Balancing Hormones with Seeds
Have you suffered from painful periods?
Did you know painful periods are a sign of hormonal imbalance?
Did you know you can relieve this pain without painkillers simply by adding nutrients to feed your hormones?
Your hormones play a big role in keeping you healthy. Many hormones work together to provide balance for your immune system, digestion, metabolism, and emotions.
Hormone imbalance can manifest in symptoms such as painful periods, PMS, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, frequent infections, difficulty concentrating, cancer, and the list goes on. When your hormones are out of balance, it’s hard for the rest of our body to relax and work properly.
A little extra support and nourishment can help your hormones shift back towards balance and in turn relieve symptoms such as painful periods, PMS, headaches and anxiety. I recommend using seeds to provide proper nutrition that feeds your hormones.
Eating different seeds at different times in your menstrual cycle gives your body essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals needed for hormonal balance. A little bit of added nourishment can go a long way toward creating a stronger foundation of health and relieving painful symptoms which you may regard as “normal”. Every little bit helps!
How to rotate seeds and begin balancing your hormones:
From day one of your menses to day 14, or new moon to full moon
Once daily, add two tablespoons of fresh, ground, organic flax, chia or pumpkin seeds to cereals, shakes, stir-fries, rice, or anything else you are eating.
From day 15 of your cycle until your next period, or full moon to new moon
Once daily, add 2 Tbsp. of fresh ground organic sesame or sunflower seeds to cereals, shakes, stir-fries, rice, or anything else you are eating.
Men benefit from rotating their seeds in the opposite manner to their female counterparts.
How does this apply to your cycle?
Remember, day 1 of your menstrual cycle is the first day of flow, not spotting.
If you have a regular cycle between 25 to 29 days, rotate your seeds with your cycle.
If your cycle is irregular, shorter than 25 days, or longer than 29 days rotate your seeds with the lunar cycle.
If you are no longer menstruating due to menopause (natural or due to hysterectomy) or are post-menopausal, rotate with the lunar cycle.
If menstruation has not yet started, rotate with the lunar cycle to ease the hormonal transition.
Don’t know when the full moon or new moon occurs each month?
Get your free 2020 Lunar Cycles chart showing you when the new and full moons occur each month. Download your free PDF 2020 Lunar Cycles for Hormone Balance here.
By rotating seeds along with your menstrual cycle or the lunar cycle, you can give your body the building blocks it needs to strengthen and balance your hormones. In order to get the most nutrients out of your seeds, make sure you are soaking and drying them to allow you the greater access to their nutrition.
Here is how:
Recipe: Soaking Seeds and Nuts
To soak seeds and nuts, fill a quart-sized glass jar half full of seeds and nuts of your choice. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of sea salt. The water should taste salty, like the sea. Fill the remainder of the jar with filtered water and let sit at room temperature for between 12 and 24 hours. Drain off water and dehydrate nuts until crisp in a dehydrator or in the oven at the lowest temperature setting. The nuts are now ready to be used in recipes or eaten as is. Store in the refrigerator in a glass jar.
Every day during the 2 week period, add your two tablespoons of fresh, ground seeds to cereals, shakes, stir-fries, rice, or anything else you are eating.
Usage and storage:
Freshly grind your seeds no more than a few days at a time to make sure the fatty acids are intact and not rancid. Store ground seeds in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Avoid buying pre-ground seeds, as the fats are often rancid before you get to them.
Want a delicious recipe to help you rotate seeds? Try my Chocolate Seed Butter Cups….
How to remember when to alternate your seeds:
I’ll be posting reminders every fortnight on my Facebook page, so like my page to keep updated. You can use your phone to set up reminders. If you are rotating with the lunar cycle use an app that gives you reminders of the full and the new moon to help draw you closer to these cycles. If you have the opportunity to spend time outdoors at night looking at the moon, this is a great way to reconnect with your natural rhythms.
You can learn more about balancing your hormones by downloading a free chapter, Hormones: Cyclic Balance, from my book Nourishing Space Within: Essentials of Self-Care.
What did about your hormones that could change the way you look and feel? I’d love to hear from you about your experience with hormone imbalance or balance in the comments below.
If you know someone who can benefit, please pass this information along.
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In Health,