Bowenwork is a physical medicine that helps the body balance from the inside out. Light pressure is applied to muscle bellies, tendons, and ligaments stimulating the proprioceptors which help the body reassess its current holding patterns and reset if needed.
For more information, please visit:
American Bowen Academy

CST gently balances the body through the use of soft touch. The practitioner assesses the rhythm and balance of the cerebral spinal fluid and the bones of the head to identify and reduce restrictions throughout the body. These restrictions can cause symptoms such as headaches, colic, neck and back pain, stress, PTSD, fatigue, fibromyalgia, menstrual cramps, and emotional difficulties. The best results are achieved with regular treatments.
For more information, please check out this resource:
Upledger Institute

Homeopathy is a comprehensive medical system founded on scientific principles. Homeopathy uses the body’s own healing system to gently bring balance on all levels- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Homeopathic remedies can be helpful as a stand-alone treatment, as well as allowing other therapies to be more effective.
In my practice of homeopathy, I look at many aspects of the individual’s life, how that person interacts with the world, and how they deal with stress to determine the proper remedy to prescribe. Remedies are prescribed based on these observations and not on the diagnoses of a particular illness. Finding the best remedy possible may require up to a week of research from the practitioner. Children in particular respond well to homeopathic care.
Homeopathic remedies are made from plants, animals, and minerals, and are regulated by the FDA. For more information, please check out this resource:

Neurofeedback Training assists the brain and central nervous system in finding balance and optimizing self-regulation.
During the training, your brain wave activity learns how to stay in more balanced patterns. This shift to balanced brain activity can lead to increased calm, better sleep, improved cognitive function, and a stronger sense of well-being.
Neurofeedback Training has been shown to help withADD/ADHD, depression, anxiety, seizures, PTSD, headaches, Traumatic Brain Injury, chronic pain, mental clarity, and performance optimization.
Get Balanced
Detox & Nourish Your Body for Hormone Balance
Instead of just telling (us) what medication to take, you explain why they are having this issue so they understand what is going on in their body.
I actually learned a lot about nutrition. Thank you for the recipes!
Hydrotherapy, warming socks, castor oil packs- I plan to try all of them. Very helpful!
I really appreciate what you have done for me and I look forward to continuing this quest for good health with you!
I feel empowered and youthful. I feel very blessed that my searching led me to find someone like Dr. Hart who could help me.
Your book is accessible, clear, and invites positive change! Excellent work!
Many different natural remedies. Everything was helpful!
I feel healthier than I ever have in my whole life!
This is way easier than I thought it would be and it works. No more painful periods!
Thank You for the gift. It was wonderfully refreshing, I layed down and listened to it right away. Arriving early on our 43rd Wedding Anniversary it was a great way to open my heart up and fill it with light, on this very special day. Thank you for sharing
What a gift Allegra!! Your voice and words and guidance were just what I needed today, deepest gratitude. I will treasure this and wait for the next one:)
“I enjoyed Dr. Hart’s book very much. She was very informative on natural ways to improve one’s health. I am very excited to start trying some of them. The information was very clear without putting you to sleep. I hope to see more from her.”
C. Miller
“I thought the book had a lot of information for anyone trying to change their mind and body. Good nutrition info, sleep, and exercising the mind. I found it helpful on all the subjects she wrote about. I really enjoyed the recipes and exercises.”
K. Wallace
“Excellent read. Clear, concise and dense with timely and important information. Definitely one of those rarities you can re-read and gain new insight into self-improvement depending on where you’re at in life. I highly recommend this if you’re looking to make positive changes towards your goals and dreams.”
Susan C
“Dr. Hart gives simple, easy to understand, instructions on how to take charge of your health. From food to sleep to hormones (and more), learn how to find balance in your life. The recommendations in this book improved my health and quality of life. I’m now buying extra copies for my family and friends!”
“If you are looking for ways to improve your health and well-being, Dr. Hart has the answer! Her compassion and insightfulness are your guide to enjoying a fulfilling health-filled life."
Susan Hodge Mueller, ND
“Dr. Hart is amazing! She taught me so much about how to help the body to heal itself. I am so thankful that I met her and for all that she shared with me which helped me on my road to recovery.”
“Dr. Hart has taken me on an exciting and miraculous journey to greatly improved health, and I will be eternally grateful.”
“Dr. Hart was a fountain of life-saving information for me.”