Cashew Cream Cheese ~ Dairy-free
When I removed dairy from my diet, cheese was the hardest for me and what I missed most. Cheese can be a frustrating food to avoid for many people. I fully admit the cravings can be strong! For those of us with dairy sensitivities or an intolerance, finding tasty non-dairy options is important.
When I made this cheese, I was happy to find it fills the gap by providing a creamy non-dairy whole food option. This recipe is for all those dairy-free lovers of creamy deliciousness. It can be added to sauces, baked goods, or spread on pretty much anything for a tasty creamy topping.
Cashew Cream Cheese
Cashews, raw (whole or pieces)
Filtered water
Unrefined sea salt
1. Soak cashews overnight in a glass jar filled with salt water. Make the water taste salty like the sea.
2. Drain off the extra water and place cashews into a blender or food processor.
3. Add just enough fresh water to get it to blend smooth. You want to use as little water as possible.
4. Pour mixture into a glass jar, cover and let set on the counter for 4 hours. Then move to the fridge.
1. Experiment with nutritional yeast for a cheesy cheddar flavor.
2. Add fresh herbs like thyme and basil.
3. Wrap the cheese in cheesecloth or muslin and squeeze out all possible liquid. This makes a slightly sliceable soft cheese option.
4. Use diluted with water or broth in curries and pastas for a sauce creamy base.
Can you think of other variations?
Leave a comment below and let me know!
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