Ultimate Acts of Conscious Love

Love and commitment are not easy, but completely worth the effort.
My husband and I have been together for 18 years. There were many times along the way we both considered leaving. We made a conscious choice to continue sharing our lives together.
It was a choice to work on our communication intensely and diligently. The rough times were not any easier just because we’re highly committed to making it work, but our clarity helped see it through. Our relationship is stronger than ever and continues to expand and deepen as the years pass.
I’m horrible with dating advice, but I’ve learned some powerful lessons about deeply committed relationships and I’d like to share them with you.
I wrote an article for Sivana Spirit about the keys to practicing active and conscious love. You can read my article about cultivating conscious love here.
Please leave a comment below or on the blog and let me know what you think!
What are your keys to cultivating and maintaining lasting, loving, and respectful relationships?
In Health and Balance,