Relationship Myth #2
“Do I have to stay in this relationship?”
Dr Allegra says….
What would life be like if there was less yelling on a regular basis if there was less frustration, more ease, greater amounts of happiness, and deeper levels of being able to listen and connect?
What if arguing wasn’t a default way to communicate?
How would your relationships change if this life was a possibility for you?
Relationships can be the best and worst thing about being human.
This is the second post debunking relationship myths. Check out the first post here where I talk more about my personal relationship with my husband and our journey.

MYTH #2: You’re obligated
Many people believe there are some relationships you have an obligation to interact with. This is not true. There are no relationships in which we have no choice. We always have a choice in whether or not we interact with a person, thing, or experience. It doesn’t matter what the history is.
Let me repeat this. It. Does. Not. Matter.
You can make conscious choice to remove relationships that are detrimental to you. This is not an easy process. In fact, it can be extremely stressful, because we’ve got this deep, embedded belief that some relationships are inevitable, and we are obligated to be a part of them fully. But, I want you to challenge that idea.
Sometimes, there are relationships that are toxic, and we need to be really clear on whether or not that’s something you continue or something that you remove from your life. This is not an all or nothing thing. What I’m asking you to do here, is be objective about your relationships, because every single one of them is different, and that’s not a bad thing. But, it also doesn’t mean that, just because you’ve known a person for a really, really long time, that you have to continue interacting with them if they are toxic.

In the next post in this series, I’ll cover another myth about relationships. Your homework for today is to see how you can nourish your relationships by reminding yourself that even the best relationships require patience and kind attention.
Need more help with your self-care?
Start here with Dr. Allegra’s Self-Care Starter Pack!
This pack includes the tools you need to amplify your health!
1. Dry Skin Brush
2. Organic Cotton Cloth for a castor oil pack
3. Organic Castor Oil to apply to your pack.
4. Dr. Allegra’s bestselling book, Nourishing Space Within: Essentials of Self-Care, to teach you how to use these tools easily and effectively!
We all can use healthier options.
When will you start?
In Health,

If you have a question for Dr. Allegra you would like considered, please submit it to info@naturaeclinic.com with the subject “The Doctor Is In Question”.