Decadently Healthy Food
Think healthy foods are bland and uninspired? Not in my kitchen. Bacon, eggs, cheese, sourdough bread, butter, and whole raw milk.
Are these foods out of the question in a balanced heart healthy diet?
Is fat the enemy?
Healthy fats are tremendously nutrient dense. All the cells in our body are protected by fat. Since we truly are what we eat, isn’t it best to be made of excellent building material? The quality of our food is based on its source.
Pasture raised meats have less fat and more omega-3 fatty acids (the good stuff found in salmon) than their grain-fed, factory farmed counterparts. They also have higher levels of fat-soluble vitamins like E and A, powerful antioxidants. Such meats feel less greasy in my mouth and have a richer unbeatable flavor.
Chickens allowed to run freely in the sun and scratch in the dirt, lay eggs with higher levels of vitamin D, A, beta carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids. I can always tell the quality of the egg by the strength of its shell. I really have to work to get the shells of good eggs to crack and the yolks are deep orange in color.
I was never a big milk fan until I had raw whole milk from a cow allowed to graze on grass all day long. This milk is packed full of enzymes that actually help me digest it better. It has more fat-soluble vitamins and can help strengthen the ability of the gut to absorb nutrients. Some people who are intolerant of pasteurized conventional milk can drink raw pastured milk without discomfort. The same goes for pastured butter, and the taste is amazing.
Whole grain wheat has high levels of fat-soluble vitamins but can be difficult to digest. This grain is also high in phytic acid which blocks absorption of vitamins and minerals if not properly deactivated. Traditional sourdough is made by fermenting the flour, and this bread rises without added yeast. The fermentation deactivates phytic acid making this bread more nutrient dense than unfermented breads.
These foods, raised in the way nature intended, become nutrient powerhouses.
Ask yourself how do I want to build my body? With strong resilient materials or with materials degraded by over-processing? Give your body the best building materials, and you will be rewarded with a high functioning immune system and decreased risk of chronic and acute disease.
As always, thank you for reading and sharing this post. If you know someone who can benefit, please pass this information along. Sign up for my HealthLetter and stay updated!
In Health,
This site helps locate local pastured raw milk all over the world.
This Washington state ranch sells meat from totally pasture raised cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys and lambs. They also offer fat and bones for sale.
This site has many different pastured meats available for sale.